Monday, August 27, 2007

Take's One To Know One

In the article delineating Barak Obama's advisors and the kinds of advice they give ["The Outsider's Insider," front page, Aug. 27 in the Washington Post] exhibit A was Senator Obama's vote against John G. Roberts for the Supreme Court. Even though the "...Illinois Democrat expressed admiration for Robert's intellect," and even though "...Obama said...he wouldn't want his judicial nominees opposed simply on ideological grounds," in the end his decision to vote no was both personal and political. Indeed, it was an effort to push his own political agenda and career. Later that day in reacting to Alberto Gonzales' decision to resign, Senator Obama said that the Attorney General "...subverted justice to promote a political agenda..." Was that a compliment to Mr. Gonzales or a critique of his own voting record in the Senate? Or, just an example of that high school favorite, it takes one to know one?

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