Monday, April 28, 2008

Wright's Philosphy is Obama's philosophy

I don't know why everyone-Joan Walsh at and John McCain and everyone first has to add the disclaimer that they do not believe Obama shares the view poiint of his pastor and mentor-the man who brought him to Jesus. Of course he does or he would not have stayed 20 years nor would he expose his children to such bigotry, hatred, anit-Americanism and down right lies. Do you think he takes his daughters to church and the goes home and says the Reverend was wrong. Obama is to practical a man to give himself that much trouble at home. When asked about Tony Rezko Obama said that he had no idea about Mr. Rezko's activities otherwise he would not have associated with him- that's almost the same answer he gave about Wright. So-he's not only in tune with those two, but also with the unrepentent terrorist Bill Ayres. If he did not reputdiate them we cannot have him and therefore them in the White House-for those who have regretted the image of the country in the world-give that some thought. If he did not know about any of the three-then he's just not smart enough to be a Senator let alone a President.

-- meadow18
[Read meadow18's

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