Psychologist Robert Epstein had a problem with Google over an article he posted that led him to think perhaps Google has too much power. He conducted a series of experiments that led him to the conclusion that the search engine could possibly-even probably influence elections. Well No Duh, Robert. As
I read this article over three pages I saw Barak Obama's face multiple
times--that's a WaPo decision. As for Google--what about its residence
in the White House itself and what is the relationship between those
Google ex-executives and the multi-million person database Obama has
with up to 80 data points per individual? At what point did this nation
decided that the White House should have detailed information on American citizens and what more will the Democrats get with Obamacare,
which for the first time will mandate that the IRS share information
across the government-something that has been strictly prohibited up to
the "total transformation of America" as proscribed by Obama?
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