Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Don't you "maccaca" me!

I wrote the Washington Post yesterday complaining that on the same day as the NOVA Republican Women sponsored a Grassroots Rally in Burke Lake Park in Fairfax they had on the front page had a story about a thesis Bob McDonnell wrote 20 years ago. They did not mention the rally or for that matter anyone or anything that might dispute the claim that McDonnell hates women and gays and other species the Dem party thinks they have an exclusive right to herd around like sheep. And today another article-front page, above the fold--just like the Allen maccaca series. I may be paranoid--which does not mean they are not out to get me, right?--but I don't think it was a coincidence the articles appeared on the day as the rally since the news media had been notified of the event--including the Washington Post.
To contact the Post write to letters@washpost.com or call
Ombudsman 202-334-7582 metro section 202-334-7300 main # 202-334-6000
Try contacting your local papers and radio stations. If you have a particular message hit the comment button below.
More later-----


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are right on. Tell me any voter much less candidate who does not have some moment in his college days that he or she would rather remain a distant memory. Give us a break! We are more intelligent than that. The D's and the Washington Post should be ashamed. RUN ON THE ISSUES!