Monday, September 14, 2009

Tea Party II

I was right up there on the Capitol lawn just to the left of the steps behind that tree. For 4 hours people marched up Pennsylvania Ave. We watched as the lawns filled up then the mall filled all the way the way to the Washington Monument. It was a glorious sight. We heard on the radio that there was 1.5 milllion. I did see on Fox&Friends this morning a wonderful picture that actually shows more people than this one from London. People were all so friendly, just like your hometown neighbors. One sight I will never forget as we passed a station on the Metro--a lone man stood on the platform with a sign that read"One Disgusted Democrat'. My two grown daughters were with me. It was a time in history that I shared with them and we will keep working for America and the Constitution. It was a wonderful day that I feel we all did make a difference and we will know for sure in the elections.

Ruth Carroll

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